Hiram House Camp

EST. 1896

Overnight Camp

Camp Registration is Closed

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Dates you need to know:

Open Registration Begins January 2nd.

New Session 5 Added for 2023

Summer Overnight Camp has been the core of The Hiram House mission since it was founded in 1896. Overnight camp is open to boys and girls ages 6-14. Our campers take part in activities like archery, canoeing, rock climbing, hiking, creek exploring, campfires, sing-alongs, all camp games, gaga ball, arts and crafts, horseback riding, farmstead, low ropes problem-solving, and teamwork games, tie-dye, night hikes, star gazing, swimming, and learning about nature and wildlife.

Many of the children who attend our overnight camp are from urban areas in Northeast Ohio. Some campers who attend the overnight camp are eligible for camperships which help to support youth to attend summer camp.

Benefits of an Overnight Camp experience:

  • Each summer, we have campers who have never spent a night outdoors. For them, it can be scary, unfamiliar and even lonely. But the courage and resiliency our campers build over the camp week helps them to form friendships, discover and enhance their personal strengths and gain new perspectives on life.
  • Campers develop valuable life skills – skills that will lay the foundation for growth and success.
  • Communal cabin living with others helps our campers learn problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, effective communication, confidence, as well as lessons about kindness and new perspectives.

Camp sessions are 6 days long. Camper arrival is at 2 p.m. on the first day of camp (Sunday); departure at 11 a.m. on the last day (Friday). Campers ages 6-14 live in log cabins centrally located to all camp facilities. Staff members live with and closely supervise campers throughout each session. Overnight camp staff stay on camp grounds at all times. All meals are provided.



Covid Policy: Overnight Camp Guidelines 2022(updated 6/3/22)

Packing List for Overnight Camp

2023 Session Dates

Session 1: June 18-June 23

Session 2: June 25-June 30

Session 3: July 2-July 7

Session 4: July 9-July 14

(NEW) Session 5: July 16-July 21

Camper Dates & Fees

One Week Session: $880
Two, One-Week Sessions: $1,760

Deposit: $50 per camper, applied to session fees

Returning Camper Discount: 5% off camp fees for all returning campers.

Registration for Summer 2023 will open on November 1, 2022.

Deposit: $25 per camper/per session, applied to session fees

Refunds and Policies

Camp fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event of a medical cancellation, $10 of the deposit will be kept as a registration service fee. There is a $20 charge for any non-sufficient checks. There is no pro-rated fee for campers arriving after the start of a session or leaving before its completion. There is a $10 fee for any change after registration. Hiram House is not responsible for loss of damage to any camper’s property during the camping season.

Sample Camp Day

Each day of camp will include some scheduled activities listed above and some free time where the campers will help decide what activity to do. Free time is typically spent exploring nature or playing games. Each day will also include time for lunch and swimming. Below is a sample schedule for a day at camp. Each day will be different.

7:30 a.m. – Wake up
8:15 a.m. – Assembly
8:30 a.m. – Breakfast
9:15 a.m. – Canoeing
10:15 a.m. – Ropes Course
11:15 a.m. – Ball Games (Basketball, football, gaga etc.)
12:15 p.m. – Assembly
12:30 p.m. – Lunch
1:15 p.m. – Campstore
2:15 p.m. – Arts & Crafts
3:15 p.m. – Swimming
4:15 p.m. – Climbing Wall
5:15 p.m. – Free Time/ Creek Hike
6:15 p.m. – Assembly
6:30 p.m. – Dinner
7:15 p.m. – Campfire/ Evening Program
9:15 p.m. – Cabin Time
10:00 p.m. – Lights out

Arrival and Departure

Each camper is expected to be brought to camp at 2:00 PM on Sunday afternoon. Campers will not be accepted prior to 2PM. Campers must be picked up by 11:00 AM Friday.


Our campstore carries a variety of snacks and souvenir items for sale. We ask that you send a specified amount of money along with your fees. These funds will be put into an account for your child at the campstore. Any money left in your campers store account will be returned to you at the end of the session. This year we are offering camper group photos. These photos MUST be ordered in advance. No Camper Should Bring Money With Them To Camp.

Financial Aid

“Camperships” financial aid is available for Overnight Camp for children from families in need through our annual Campership Fund. Applicants must apply and qualify. A majority of our Overnight Campers are eligible to receive aid for some portion of their camp stay. Hiram House is a private, independent, non-denominational, nonprofit 501 (C) (3) organization. Donations to the Campership Fund from individuals, foundations, businesses and organizations and proceeds from our special events help to support this worthwhile program.


Camp rules prohibit campers from bringing food to camp or receiving any food, including candy or gum. Should a camper bring or receive food items, such items will become the general property of the camp.


A nurse looks after the health of the campers. Meals are planned by an experienced dietitian. Hiram House Camp has city water.


Mail is received and sent out daily and can be sent to your camper at camp.

Visitors and Phone Calls

Due to the busy camp program, the nature of our activities and the relatively short camping session, visitors are not permitted nor will campers make phone calls unless there is an emergency.


Each camper needs to bring a suit and towel daily. If there are specific conditions under which your child cannot swim, please inform the camp office. All swim time at our pool is recreational and not instructional. Campers are required to take a swim test on the first day of each session to determine their swimming ability. Our pool has lifeguards and our waterfront director on deck whenever campers are present.


Our program staff is under the supervision of a qualified director and maintains an 8:1 ratio for Overnight Camp. Summer staff consist of many college and senior high school students who have an interest in child development. All staff is required to participate in a five day in-residence training prior to the start of camp. Group Counselors supervise and lead each camper group. Specialists supervise and lead activities such as climbing wall, archery, etc.

Medical Examination

In order to attend camp, each camper must be examined and approved by a nurse or doctor with the past 12 months. The completed medical form must be in the camp office two weeks prior to the camper’s first day at camp.

Camp Store

Campers buy snacks and souvenirs during designated times at the camp store. Campers will visit the camp store during designated times each session. All camp store money must be deposited prior to the start of camp. These funds will be put into an account for your child at the camp store. No camper should bring money with them to camp.

Overnight Camp Photo Gallery

Activities for Happy Campers

Only a few more days till camp starts!

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Days until Summer Camp Starts!